🏑Set up your Community Hub

Create an Account:

  • If you don’t have an account yet, you’ll need to create one.

  • Provide your email address and set a password to register.

Also, add your name and specify your role (e.g., founder, agency, etc.). Let us know where you heard about Intract, and if you have a referral code, don't forget to paste it.

Set Up Your Community Hub:

  • After registering, you'll be prompted to set up your community hub.

  • Upload your project logo. The recommended size is 200*200px.

  • Enter your project name.

  • Choose the category that best fits your community from the provided list.

  • Define your objective. Are you aiming to acquire new users, engage with your community, or create a centralized community hub?

  • Provide links to your social media profiles.

  • Enter your website URL.

Submit and Access Your Dashboard:

Once you've completed all the necessary steps, hit the submit button.

That’s it! You're all set up and ready to go. You can always make changes and edit your community hub later. If you have any questions or need assistance along the way, feel free to reach out to our support team for help.

Last updated