
  • How to create , edit or delete API in your workspace ? - To create new API - Login to your workspace in - On left panel of dashboard , go to the Tools Section > Integrate APIs - On top right of the dashboard , click on Create API - A pop - up will appear on the screen - Fill in all the required details - Click on Proceed > Test API - See if the response comes Valid Schema - Select the Create API button - Your API will go into the ' Submitted ' stage and will move to the ' Approved ' stage which has a TAT of 20 mins - To edit / delete an existing API - Go to you workspace dashboard > Tools Section > API Tasks - Under the ' Actions ' column , click on the three dots - You will find options to edit / delete your existing API and to delete the same Note : Please refer to this document for creation of API endpoint

  • How to integrate Discord and Telegram in your workspace ? - On left panel of the dashboard , navigate ' Integrations ' - Scroll down > Other Integrations - Follow all the required steps - Once all the steps are completed , you can find you integration under ' Connected Integrations '

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