Partner Stories

A dossier highlighting some of our renowned partnership efforts

Intract Quests with industry veterans & leaders

  1. Linea DeFi Voyage: Trend setting exploration of DeFi opportunities on Metamask & other 80+ projects (quest link here).

  2. Polygon zkEVM Saga: ~450k users successfully minted "proof of early participation" NFT in the L2 ecosystem by Polygon Labs (announcement here).

  3. Mode Sunrise: ~50k participants for the Mode Sunrise quests on Intract with an exclusive reward of Mode Senitel NFT (quest here).

  4. Islamic Coin Airdrop: ~100k ISLM token distributed to Intract questers from one of the largest (~400M funded) blockchain ecosystems (quest here).

Key Community Talks hosted by Intract for businesses

  1. L2 Ecosystem roundtable with Linea, Scroll, Mantle & others

  2. NFT Growth roundtable with Cool Cats, Nouns DAO, Worlds of Women & others

  3. DeFi marketing roundtable with GMX, KyberSwap, Carbon & others

Loved by your Favorite crypto creators

  1. Web3 research tools quest by Stacy Muur

Last updated